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New York North - Classic

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About This Division

Fishers of Men would like to thank all our National Sponsors:
Berkley, BassCat Boats, Abu Garcia, Mercury, Fenwick, Realtree Fishing, FireFly Outdoor & Marine, Power-Pole, T&H Marine, Frogg Toggs, and Jacobs Glass


NOTICE - The 2024 season for this division has ended 

The 2025 Season Schedule is set and posted at the bottom of this page 


2025 Berkley Classic Team Series National Championship is taking place April 3-5, 2025 at Lake Murray in South Carolina.  


Join us in Congratulating the following NY North Members that are qualified to fish in the National Championship!

Aaron Stone & Brad Petrie

Randy & Deb Gabel

John Schneider & Dillin Adams

As division leaders, we will be there to cheer you on!  


  • ENTRY DEADLINE TO AVOID $25 LATE FEE: February 1, 2025
  • FINAL ENTRY DEADLINE FOR TEAMS: Midnight, March 16, 2025


Director's Introduction:

My name is David Provost and my wife, Sherry, and I are the new co-directors of the division.  This is our 2nd year as directors and we have learned a lot in this last year and hopefully will continue to learn and grow with the help of our fishing family.

Our Background:  I have been with Fishers of Men on an off for 18 years and a prior director more than 10 years ago.  A lot has changed in these years including Fishers of Men going digital.  God has given me the talent of fishing and gave my wife the talent of digital knowledge so we work well together to assist each other in running the division.  I have been fishing all of my life and have great memories with my dad, and have passed the love of fishing to my children and grandkids.  If anything defines the name of Provost, it is the love of fishing.  Within this past couple of years, fishing has become secondary to my desire to bring souls to Christ.  My wife and I have been Christians for a long time, but we felt a calling to use the talents that God gave us for His purposes.  We are grateful to Fishers of Men for giving us the platform to use our talents for Him.

We would also like to extend our gratitude for and thank you for your grace as we tackle our 2nd season as directors. Please feel free to provide feedback on how we can improve and things that you would like to see in this division.  We really feel humbled and privileged that God has called us to lead this division and we want to do our best for this family of fishermen while glorifing God in all that we do.  Our contact information can be found in the header above if you have any comments or suggestions.  

Fisher of Men (FOM) Tournament Information:

FOM is a faith-based fishing club with the mission to provide a high-quality competitive team fishing opportunity for all levels of fishing teams (men, women, & children) while fulfilling our stated mission of sharing the good news in an unassuming way that is not confrontational. The Fishers of Men Trails have, over time, developed a special, warm and welcoming family atmosphere, combined with fellowship and friendly competition.

We fish a two-person team format, best 5 fish. Tournaments begin at first light and generally run to 2:00 pm with weigh ins and awards immediately following.

All are welcome here, whether you want High level competition qualifying for National and Regional tournaments, or you are looking for local club, friendly competition and fellowship.  It also doesn't matter if you are a non believer, seeker, or strengthening your faith, you can become part of this family. 

FOM offers Regional and National challenges for the highly competitive angler as well as other optional programs.  See the District/National Qualifiers below for more details.

Pre-Tournament meetings                    

We offer a free meal and inspirational message the Friday before each of our points tournaments.  Open tournaments will not have a meeting.  Important information is provided about upcoming events during these meetings.  Feel free to bring your family and friends to this event, we just ask that you please let us know how many will be attending so we can ensure that there is enough food for everyone.  Although attendance is not mandatory, they are a big part of the club and are worth 50 points toward the points championship.  Members that attend will also be entered into a door prize drawing and all attendees can participate in the 50/50 raffle.  

  Costs, Rules, Payouts, & District/National Qualifiers :

Membership:     Family $60, Individual $40 (Payment due and membership must be paid for before signing up for the points tournaments.  Membership is not required for Open tournaments)

Tournaments:    $150 per points tournament and $75 per open tournament.  1 out of every 5 teams entered will earn a check (Payment due by 8pm the Friday before each points tournament)

Rules:               Each points tournament will have 1 official practice day the day before the tournament preceded by a 7-day off-limits period on the tournament waters. See full Rules at https://www.fomntt.com/strenteamrules.cfm

Payouts:           *1 out of every 5 teams entered in each tournament will earn a check. 

* “Big Fish” payout for heaviest fish per tournament 

* Option to participate in Bonus Bucks in each tournament for additional earnings

*  See member incentives for details

Steps to take to Compete in  Points Tournaments:

Step 1: FOM Membership - If you are not already a Fishers of Men member or if you need to renew your membership for the new season, complete the membership application to join the New York North Classic Division at  https://www.fomntt.com/memberjoin.cfm.

  • Both individual and family memberships are valid from Jan 1st-Dec 31st each year
  • Payments are accepted by debit or credit cards via PayPal

Step 2:  Submit an entry for each tournament that you want to fish or complete the entry form and pay in one of the following ways: cash, check, card (fee added), Zelle (FishersofMenNY.North@gmail.com), or Venmo (@FOM-NY-North). 

Sign up and payment can be accepted until 8pm on the Friday before the tournament.

Please review this website and/or our Facebook page for the latest updates

Member Incentives:

  • Drop your lowest:  We are doing things a little different this yearThere will be 1 open tournament and 6 points tournament events.  Only 5 of the 6 points tournaments and meetings will count toward points accrual.  This allows teams to drop their lowest points event from their season standings and help reduce the impact if a team competing for points has an unforseen circumstance which causes them to miss a meeting or tournament.  
  • Add money to Cash Pot (Bonus Bucks) - This totally optional program allows anglers who would like to fish for higher stakes to enter "Bonus Bucks" for an additional $25 entry.  100% of all the funds collected through this program will be paid back to the top 3 teams entered in the Bonus Bucks program on a 50/30/20% split, giving teams a chance to hearn a bigger payday.
  • Opportunity to progress to District, Wildcard, & National Championships if you meet the qualifiers. (See Rules for details)
    • **** Teams qualifying for the National Championship Tournament have the opportunity to earn a share of the purse valued at over $125,000 in cash & prizes, including 2 BassCat Bass Boats powered by Mercury Motor. ***
    • Qualifiers to compete in the 2 Day District Championship Event(s) and/or Wildcard Tournament
      • The top 80% of division teams of those that have fished at least 3 Divisional Events will qualify to fish in the DISTRICT 13 Championship Event and/or the Wildcard Tournament
      • Division teams that fish 5 Divisional Events & at least 3 pre-tournament meetings will qualify to fish ANY or ALL Fishers of Men District Championship Events throughout the country and/or the Wildcard tournament at the end of that season
    • Qualifiers to compete in the 3 Day National Championship Event
      • The Division's Points Champion will automatically qualify
      • The top 20% of those who compete in the District Championship Event will qualify
      • The top Male/Female team who competes in the District Championship Event will qualify
      • The top Adult/Junior team who competes in the District Championship Event will qualify
      • The top Bass Cat Boat owner who competes in the District Championship Event in a Bass Cat Boat will qualify
  • Refer new members / Invite guests to meetings:














* Entry fee savings will be in the form of a check refund being given at the weigh-in to ensure all qualifiers are met.     


Director Information

David Provost
519 Ontario St
Fulton, NY 13069
(315) 240-1121

Division Chaplain

Vacant - Please contact David or Sherry if you would like to volunteer

Division Events

Oneida Lake  Oneida Shores Boat Ramp  June 15, 2024  Results  
Three Rivers  River Park Boat Launch  June 29, 2024  Results  
Otisco Lake  Otisco Lake DEC Boat Ramp  July 27, 2024  Results  
Onondaga Lake  Kenneth P. Lynch Boat Launch  August 10, 2024  Results  
St. Lawrence  Cape Vincent  August 24, 2024  Results  
Oneida Lake Open Tournament  Oneida Shores Boat Ramp  June 15, 2025  Details  
Onondaga Lake  Onondaga Lake Park Marina  June 21, 2025  Details  
Onondaga Lake    June 21, 2025  Details  
Chaumont Bay  11152 Barnes Bay Rd  July 19, 2025  Details  
Three Rivers   Private Ramp for Radisson Community Association  July 26, 2025  Details  
Cayuga Lake  Union Springs  August 09, 2025  Details  
Cross Lake  Cross Lake Inn & Marina  August 23, 2025  Details  
Delta Lake  Delta Lake State Park  September 06, 2025  Details  

Division Standings

2025  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  
Mission Statement: