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May 18, 2019


29 Teams Competed





1st PLACE with 8.67 lbs



Jack & Dell Howell

2nd Place with 8.21 lbs



James & JT Laney

3rd Place with 8.08 lbs



4.41 lb BIG FISH



Thank you to Calvary Church in Westminster for hosting the Friday night meeting for our Keowee Legacy event. The fried fish, hushpuppies, beans, fries, and cake were a real treat! Thank you for your time in cooking, setting up your facility, and serving our anglers and families. We appreciate Tray Brown bringing a message of our hope in "the REAL THING", Jesus Christ, in a world where a lot of alternatives are presented as "the real thing" to lure us away from God. 



Legacy Tournment KEOWEE - 05/18/19


Place Team Members # Fish Big Fish Gross Penalty Net Wt Points
1 16731 Jason Thrasher
Ethan Thrasher
3 3.98 8.67 0 8.67 200

2 17874 Jack Howell
Dell Howell
3 3.73 8.21 0 8.21 199

3 24407 James Laney Jr
JT Laney
3 4.41 8.08 0 8.08 198

4 23326
3 3.26 7.76 0 7.76 197

5 24610
3 3.1 7.74 0 7.74 196

6 17728 Brian Anthony
3 0 7.37 0 7.37 195

7 24605 Jimmy McCollum
3 0 6.9 0 6.9 144

8 24607 Tra Dumit
George Dumit
3 2.63 6.88 0 6.88 193

9 24609 Vince Smith
3 2.67 6.81 0 6.81 192

10 22952 Chris Tinsley
Ryan Tinsley
3 0 6.8 0 6.8 191

11 19639 Bradford Gambrell
Sawyer Redmond
3 0 6.7 0 6.7 190

12 24608
3 2.98 6.7 0 6.7 190

13 17732 Greg Pace
Grayson Pace
3 3.32 6.55 0 6.55 188

14 23328 Brad Nappier
3 0 6.46 0 6.46 134

15 17878 Steve Kelly
Jackson Kelly
3 2.6 6.3 0 6.3 187

16 19637 Rick Steckelberg
3 0 6.13 0 6.13 186

17 16676
Reggie Luper
3 0 6.06 0 6.06 185

18 16732 Drake Boyd
John Boyd
3 0 5.73 0 5.73 183

19 24606 Jonathan Anders
3 0 5.53 0 5.53 182

20 24238 Brad Burdette
3 3.4 5.52 0 5.52 181

21 9394
3 0 5.51 0 5.51 180

22 24240 Bryan Burton
Austin Burton
3 2.97 5.39 0 5.39 179

23 16831
3 0 5.39 0 5.39 179

24 16235 Michael Brewer
Zach Brewer
2 0 2.87 0 2.87 177

25 24611 Michael Smith
Austin Smith
1 0 1.61 0 1.61 176

26 21800 Shane Whitt
Kyptyn Whitt
0 0 0 0 0 175

27 22945 Derek Shubert
Joseph Shubert
0 0 0 0 0 175

28 24243 Rick Freeze
0 0 0 0 0 175

29 24246 Wesley Underwood
Justin Underwood
0 0 0 0 0 125

1st-Jason & Ethan Thrasher: 8.67 lbs

2nd- Jack & Dell Howell: 8.21 lbs

3rd- James & JT Laney 8.08 lbs

4th- Wayne & Drake Davenport 7.76lbs

5th- Trad & Daelyn Whaley: 7.74 lbs

6th: Brian & Gage Anthony- 7.37 lbs

7th- Tra & George Dumit

Vince & Macy Smith

Jimmy & Carter McCollum

Trevor Sharrett & Ethan Seay

Grayson Pace

Team Kelly